Friday, November 7, 2014

The 613 Mizvot of the Torah and the Metatronic Overself

There are 613 Mitzvot in the Torah, divided into 248 obligations and 365 prohibitions. We often hear about the importance of doing Mitzvot, and some even say that the coming of the Messiah is directly related to performance of the Mitzvot. But that is just the surface-level view (p'shat). But what is the secret (sod) of the Mitzvot?

From a higher perspective, the Torah is the collective dreambook of all Metatronic Overself programs of Adamic evolution. At this level, we see that the Overself is constructed out of the all the Mitzvot - it is always doing all 248 obligations and never does any of the 365 prohibitions. Esoterically, this is the Gan Eden - the state of being in which the performance of all 613 Mitzvot is a simultaneous reality. But does this mean that we should not practice Torah and perform Mitzvot daily?

When the Overself emanates an individual spirit, it must enter the dimension of time. This means that the state of resonance with the Mitzvot is variable and can change dynamically. Therefore, actual physical performance is needed to achieve vibrational resonance with the Mitzvot. This opens up Overself functionality to the individual spirit.

The study of the laws of the Mitzvot and the sections of the Torah in which the Mitzvot are defined is a major educational imperative in Talmud Torah. Understanding the principles and goals of Mitzvot observance are a key to unlocking the mysteries of our Overself.

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