Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Fractality of Torah Literature

All Torah literature is inherently interconnected with itself. This is mathematically modeled by fractal geometry.  Mathematically, a fractal is a self-similar geometric object that reiterates the global structure at every localized scaling perspective.

A Julia set fractal - a vision of Torah literature
Reading any of the teachings of the sages is like reading them all. Understanding any little bits of Torah wisdom is like understanding them all. But you can't fully appreciate the ramifications of each little bit of Torah wisdom unless you have first become familiar with the full spectrum of Torah literature.

The Torah, TaNaK, Mishnah, Talmud, Midrash, Zohar, etc... are all interconnected in this way.  Fractal geometry is the easiest way to understand how to read and study Torah literature.

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